Feature 001
Feature 001
Why I am here now...
Text by Three O Three
Photography by Keisuke Fukamizu
Feature 001  |  SWEET HOME  |  
Text by Three O Three
Photography by Keisuke Fukamizu
Why I am here now...


 それはとてもピュアな感情で、ひとりのサーファーが「どうしたらずっとサーフィンを続けていくことができるだろうか」と思索したことが始まりでした。まだ日本のサーフィンは草創期で、その未来は霧の中にあるような時代でしたが、わかっていたのはハワイで出会ったこの素晴らしいサーフィンとともに生きてゆきたい、波に乗らずには生きていく価値もないと思うくらいに惚れ込んでしまっていたということでした。 サーフィンを続けるために、選んだ答えはサーフボードシェイピング。シェイパーへの道でした。ハワイでもその後暮らした湘南でも、プロコンテストでも、旅に出ても、彼が不自由したのはサーフボードだったから。いいサーフボードを与えてもらえるほど、日本のサーフィンインダストリーは成熟していなかったし、日本の波に合うサーフボードにもなかなかお目にかかれませんでした。そして、自分のようにサーフィンと出会った人たちに、ゆくゆくはハンドメイドのサーフボード作ってあげられるようにとシェイピングを始めたというわけです。学んだのは毎年通う冬のノースショア。縁あって練習の場も与えてもらうことができました。あとは、いつ、どこで、何という名のブランドを立ち上げるかということでした。

The Unexpected Perfect Waves of Shikoku

It was just a simple question that a surfer can ask himself.“ How can I keep surfing without having a boring job in the city? “It was over 3 decades ago, and there was no “ surfing industry “ in Japan. There were a bunch of bums on the beach just starting to discover the fun of riding waves.But he already knew that he’d rather die if he can’t surf. It was as if he met the girl on Waikiki Beach, and if he can ‘t be with her, there is no future for him.It was that pure feeling, ”the thing” that the one can not live without .One thing for sure was that he was challenged to have a good surfboard. He didn’t have the right connection or money to buy the one he wanted in Hawaii, Shonan or anywhere else he lived. Also, in starting contest scenes in Japan, surfers are struggling to find a surfboard that will fit the various contest locations.He wanted to shape surfboard for those who also discovered the joy of riding waves in Japan. That became the solution to stay close to the beach while doing something beneficial for the surfers and himself.He was lucky enough to build a relationship with the surfers/shapers from the North Shore, Oahu, and he became a regular winter member. He spent every winter at North Shore, and that became the training ground for surfing and shaping.He just needed to decide when to start on his own.


IMG_0672 サーファー・千葉公平には、今も鮮明に蘇る波の記憶があります。1979年秋・四国。発生した台風20号は、遠くフィリピンの沖から日本の遥か西南に顔を出し、日本に付かず離れずゆっくりとゆっくりと東へ進み始めました。始まりは西うねり。そしてハードな南。東。最後はメロウなバックスウェルまで。数日のキャンプ滞在予定が、とうとう2週間以上も高知の果てから徳島の果ての海岸線に信じられないような波が続き、そんなパーフェクションの一部終始は日本のサーフィン雑誌創刊号の大特集を飾り、米サーフィング誌や豪SW誌にも紹介されました。それがまさに“サーフィン”でした。 その波と日々の壮大な経験と記憶はやがて、瀬戸内海の島で育った千葉公平を故郷四国に帰還させ、リバーマウスの波が彼を徳島・海部へと誘いました。サーファーは波が無ければ生きてゆけない、パーフェクトな波ならさらに良い。おそらく世界中探しても出会うことのない河口の波のクオリティに完全に足止めをくらいました。さらに自分たちが作ったサーフボードがすぐにテストできる、コンスタントな波の立つビーチあり、リーフありの環境も、完璧すぎるほど完璧だったからです。 彼が海部郡宍喰町(現海陽町)にシェイプルームを構えたのは1982年。そして心通う右腕にも出会い、街にサーフショップをオープンさせたのは1983年6月のことでした。まさに流れるような展開でした。

In the fall of 1979, the wave generated in Shikoku by the typhoon started near Philippine was a special one for Kohei. That particular typhoon #20 came up toward Japan and moved north alongside the island at very slow pace, with the perfect distance to provide plenty of sunshine with endless swells, especially to the Shikoku area. It started off with good West to strong South & East ground swell, then nice and mellow back swell, and Kohei ended up camping 2 weeks on the beach and surfed his brains out from the edge of Kochi to the other side of Tokushima.This epic surf trip was documented then featured in the legendary Japanese magazine SC ( Surfing Classic ) ‘s 1st issue’s cover story. Impressed with it’s hollow river mouth and reef break perfection found in Shikoku, this article was also featured on Surfing ( USA) and SW ( Austrlia ) .This trip made Kohei realize that his mother land, Japan, especially Shikoku Island is the place to settle. The perfection of various river mouth breaks in Shikoku in early summer is something that he had never experienced during his world surf trip days. He didn’t need to look further. He settled right at Kaifu river mouth and started to shape.The environment was perfect. He could test his shape with constant beach breaks, with river mouth, or even with reef break all within short distance. In 1982, he built shape room in Shishikui Town and by June 1983, he added the surf shop in town. Good buddies jumped in to glass, sand and run the shop. It was flowless.






Kaifu, home of 「303」

The name 303 came to Kohei’s mind when he was at Queens, Wikiki, looking at the sunset. This name was brought home to Shikoku, and grew as his brand. It was a slow growth with strong roots in the ground. Surfers came around, and Kohei provided not only surfboards but knowledge to them. Watching surfers riding waves with his hand shaped boards became his pride and treasure.303 grew as a community for the surfers.   Surfers stick around, surfing, making surfboards, and find a way to live as a surfer on the island. 303 provides everything to those who wanted to join and start the life as a surfer.



 仕事が立ち上がる初春から台風シーズンが終わる晩秋までを四国で過ごし、完全に波が無くなる冬にはハワイ・ノースショアへ。豪雨が続く梅雨にはどこか見知らぬ国へサーフトリップに出る。それが年間のルーティンにもなりました。 303のホームにあるのは、波と、海と、広い空だけです。だけしかないけれど、サーファーの欲しいものはすべてあります。そして大好きな場所、海部川河口の波。その昔、千葉公平はこう言いました。「女性でたとえるならば、優しくて素直で、ちょっと野生的な娘。誰もがきっと恋してしまうはず」と。その恋心が海部のサーファーズコミューンを形成しています。だから波、海、雰囲気ぜんたいをいつも気にかけ、ゆきとどくマナーが生きづいています。 もう「どうしたらサーフィンを続けていけるか」は愚問です。サーフィンとサーフボード作りを続けて30余年。あるとすれば、明日もサーフィンとサーフボード作りが続けられるように、明日につながる今日を生きるということだけです。

Kohei was able to create his favorite routine using Shikoku as his home base.He would stay home from spring for River Mouth until late fall, when the Typhoon swell is gone. He would spend most of winter on the North Shore, and he could pick whenever he wants to go during the small, rainy season. He could come back home when the river mouth wake up with good sand bars after the rainy season.The home of 303 is surrounded by waves, ocean & the big blue sky.Nothing else. It is in the country. But those are the only things that surfers need. Those elements became magnets for surfers, and surfers created the community where 303 is right now.Kohei found a way to keep surfing. It has been over 30 years and he has no intention to change this. He will keep doing what he decided to do. He is still in love with this kind, straight forward, and a little bit wild place, that he calls home.

